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Choosing a Canadian Fishing Lodge

Choosing a Canadian Fishing Lodge

Picking a Canadian fishing lodge that boasts 20-30 lb Pike is hard because there are so many fishing lodges to choose from. Obviously, your chances of catching a monster Pike are definitely better if you go where the Pike are. A Canadian fishing lodge can guarantee a couple of the right conditions: a good fishing population and good structure.

Here are a few lodges to consider for your next trip:

  • Cobham River Lodge: Manitoba: This lodge is on a lake and river system and the fishing is fantastic. The location is remote. I like to put this kind of fishing lodge into my dream log, as a trip of a lifetime possibility:
  • Dunlop’s Fly-In Fishing Lodge & Outposts: Dunlop’s is a fishing lodge that offers catch & release trophy Northern Pike trips and walleye fishing trips in Manitoba. This is one of my personal favorites that I plan to fish. (I like the personal family picture and mission statement.) This is huge water with load of potential and structure. Only 16 fishermen a week can visit. Sweet for those who make the effort. Check out
  • Northwest Outfitters & Outpost Camps Ltd: Labyrinth Bay Outpost is located on a private island in the Narrows connecting Lake of the Woods and Shoal Lake. You can get to the camp via a 23-mile boat ride through great island scenery into beautiful Labyrinth Bay. You are also near the great fishing waters of Shoal Lake. Or you can choose to fly in:
  • Pine Island Resort, Saskatchewan: This is a unique fly-in fishing location in Canada known for monster pike and a great population of walleye. The website is loaded with enough information and help to set up a trip. The testimonials are believable, but the proof is in going and checking out the lake for yourself:
  • Manitou Weather Station Fishing Lodge: This lodge is a great looking fly-in fishing destination in Canada. They are on the lower Lake Manitou in a remote part of the lake. This location is out of the mainstream and offers the best in large Northern Pike. Check it out for yourself:

This list is not conclusive and there are undoubtedly other lakes with potential. Each Canadian fishing lodge is unique and they all have their own potential. Create your own top five destinations and then work through them and see if you can make your dream of hauling in a monster Pike into reality.

Source by Dave Selleck

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