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Rock Climbing Is Not Just For Men

Rock Climbing Is Not Just For Men

Rock Climbing began as a man’s sport. This has changed in recent years as ever increasing numbers of women have become involved.

The first women climbers were involved in mountain climbing and rock climbing was a part of that. The major difference in mountain climbing and rock climbing is that the mountain climber is seeking the easy way to ascend to the top of the mountain while the rock climber is looking for the hardest way. However, sometimes rock climbing is the only way on certain sections of the climb. So, when women began to climb mountains, they naturally began to climb rocks as well.

The first written record of a female mountain climber was a Miss Pinter who climbed Mt. Blanc in 1799. This feat was recorded by a fellow climber and established the lady as the rock climbing woman pioneer. Although there were other female mountain climbers that followed Miss Pinter, they were mostly the wives or girlfriends of male climbers. These male climbers usually omitted the names of their female partners when writing of their adventures.

This was because climbing was not seen as a very “seemly” activity for women. In fact, it wasn’t until almost one hundred years after Miss Pinter’s ground breaking ascent that a woman by the name of Meta Brevoot actually got around giving up her dress for trousers when on a climb. This makes you imagine young ladies climbing to the top of alpine peaks in their long flowing dresses with parasols open.

It was not until the more liberated times in the latter part of the 20th century that women in rock climbing began to come into their own. There were a large number of women’s rock climbing clubs formed during this period and also rock climbing became a part of many of the outdoor programs that were being developed to increase the confidence of females by exposing them to outdoor challenges.

The large numbers of women in rock climbing that have excelled and conquered some of the most difficult and highly rated climbs in the world prove that this sport is not for men only. Although on the whole, men have greater strength than women, they do not always have more stamina. The increase in indoor rock climbing facilities has opened the door to even more women. It increases confidence and is fun. That is a good combination and the relative safety of the indoor climbing has contributed to a wider acceptance.

Source by Richard Chapo

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