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Top 9 Unstoppable Emotions to Experience on Every Trip

Top 9 Unstoppable Emotions to Experience on Every Trip

Travelling is full of varied forms of emotions which can be seen at different times.

• Yes, there are occasions, when our happiness gives way to excitement on seeing a lion during our trip to zoo or we tend to get “wow” moments at the sight of a “water fall”.

• Similarly, we feel curious after finding that our path leads to a haunted house.

• If that is not enough, we often tend to generate so many queries after being told by the guide about the historical significance of the specific monument.

• Likewise, on hearing about the adventurous plan, we obviously feel at the best mode, where we jump with joy.

• However, often during a journey, a visit to one place is also associated with long and time consuming journey with jams or so, which might even make us depressed a bit. Isn’t it?

Yeah, it is these wide range of emotions during travel which become the basis for us during our trip.

Based on what experiences, we are actually facing, we tend to get our minds swayed accordingly and this is what can be termed as the beauty of the big world of travelling. Where travelers across the length and breadth of the country are travelling in leaps and bounds just to experience those awesome and electrifying moments which can only be experienced.


How excited you become upon confirmation of your ticket to your preferred destination? Yes, the “moment” which you were waiting, has finally arrived much to your happiness. It is this exciting news which create an altogether different charisma for travellers who look for so many varied different emotions right through their whole process of journeying. So, what are they? Let’s have a look at some of the other forms of emotions not to miss.


Yeah anticipating things is a natural phenomenon where you tend to think about its positive and negative aspect. You tend to relate the awesome things which you are going to experience. Likewise, you also tend to get things on your nerve, like; you will shortly leaving your friends, family members to an outside place.


You have finally arrived to the city which you were thinking for months together for deriving happiness with fun and frolic. Yes, that’s exactly you were looking and expecting yourself and now you have finally got the place to reckon and relate yourself as well.


The happiness you derive seeing and experiencing things in terms of culture, friendly people, great food, cool places etc has this marvellous way to let you dive into the world of happiness.

Getting a sense of belonging

It may have been few days or weeks, but you soon tend to feel related with the local arena. As you have already got to know the best attractions, museums, historical places, famous eateries, shopping destinations etc.


When things slightly don’t work to your favour, then it leads to frustration like how you badly need to visit specific place, but it is delayed by a day due to cancellation of bus service or you arrived late due to jam-packed roads. It leads to frustration. Isn’t it?


Few things in life simply make your day and that may include meeting your fellow counterparts from your own country or having the best meal which so dearly wanted. You feel that the “new” society has actually accepted you.


How your days which you have been so eagerly waiting, has all been completed and now it is time to pack your bags for a return journey. Yes, that’s the moment which is synonymous with sadness.


Now, on reaching home, you feel how lucky you have been to travel different part of the world and enjoying its places, food etc. Now, whatever little thing you have done on the trip has actually become your memories and the best reflection of those valuable times can be seen through the videos or photos which you have got. You tend to share such stories with your near and dear one and you long to visit similar places in future as well.

Source by Afzal Zaheer

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